NEWS 2013

In August, we had an appeal for help from ‘Friends of Hayling Rescue’ .
The maintenance of Frank’s Rib is now an ongoing problem as the boat is very well used and is getting rather old. The Friends had some money in hand that was being saved for repairing the Sponsons, which will cost about £10,000, but had to spend a large amount of this in order to pay for a new outlet manifold.
An appeal to members raised a substantial sum and HISTT was able to pass on sufficient to pay for the Outlet.
However, more money for further repairs to the rib is still needed so any more donations will be very welcome.
More money will, of course, be made available from the Gift Aid Claim


In July we had an Application from the Thursday Club for funds for more Instructor Training  and £450 was paid over

For the rest of the Seals’ Sundays, both of the Oppies were on-a-rope and both booked out solidly with a few disappointed youngsters waiting hopefully.
The Oppies have also been used by the Thursday Club and hired out regularly.

On May 26th, the two training Oppies, named HISTTeria and HISTTerical, were in operation. These boats, with special easy-use trolleys were bought with grants from HISTT and are for free use by the Seals and the Thursday Club. This first Sunday was a glorious day and the beach was packed with 60 + children registered to join in the fun - and lots more who just turned up!.


One of the Oppies was allocated as an
‘OPPIE ON A ROPE’ with Dougie Baker in charge and was fully booked for over 2 hours.

 The other Oppie was out on free hire and was in great demand - together with two Terras from the Thursday Club

These Oppies are available for hire at the usual club rates at all other times

opi 1


By the end of April, the bursaries had been handed over to the winning applicants for this year, i.e Jamie Smith/Piers Nicholls and Henry Jameson- and was, we gather, promptly spent on traveling to the first two Open Meetings.
The Commodore's appeal has raised a further £4000 due to some very generous donations and two massive ones - all greatly appreciated.

On March 18th, the Trustees of HISTT had a meeting with the Commodore and Rear Commodore Sailing of HISC

This was to discuss the Bursaries that the General Committee has decided to allocate to suitable Junior candidates. There is a very long-standing, but unfortunately abandoned, history of Bursaries such as these which were set up by Ron Cohen many years ago.

HISTT will not have any say in selecting these candidates but would like to help with the collection of donations with which to fund said Bursaries. These donations will hopefully come from people who are interested in sponsoring some of our brilliant young sailors in the hope that they will eventually progress through all the squads to Olympic standards!

Watch this space for names of successful applicants

We hope lots of people will want to join in with this sponsorship.
To donate please click here to find out ways of contributing - You Can Help