Work Parties



Working parties are fun and much, much warmer than sailing. You get a free coffee, cake and soup, and lots of friendly chat and banter; makes a change from all that decorating. Partners also expected
The Parties will happen after Christmas, when the sailing has toned down a bit. Other classes are invited as well, especially those that use the North Park.

    The following pictures were taken in January 2003.



The above pictures are, on the left, the start of the East Sand Barrier hazel rod fence and on the right, its near completion. This fence  is now completely covered  and was bounded on the outside by the Tender Mound, a rather disastrous experiment of putting dinghies on the beach. The dinghies collected as much sand as the hazel rods but not in such a disciplined manner! The West Sand Barrier has grown even bigger in the middle of the beach at its eastern end which is obviously where the sand drift really starts to build. The whole area is a observatory for sand in motion and seeing where it all ends up is a very interesting exercise - although it is very annoying for boat owners who do not have their boats inside a barrier!
In fact, it has been decided that no boats of any sort will be put outside the sand barriers in future. The sand that is collected usually dumps over the matting ramps and makes launching impossible at times.



The Club has 4 wheelbarrows and 1 shovel!

 Solo Work Party – Sunday 5th March.

Beforehand – need to check available gridding on winches. DONE and moved to solo park
.J Mend section of Road Roll  J order   more rope and make spacers. Acquire tyres

 Relay black gridding on west track.  Needs tyres dug in to hold chain straight.  Dig out penultimate tyre and lengthen rope

Do not lay Road Roll yet

Lift beginning of wooden ramp 
Lift all black gridding in East Exit.
Move boats out of this area inside fence Hopefully to be done by #Crew


 Cruiser Work Party,  - Saturday March 25th . 

Bring spades, shovels, wheelbarrows

Beforehand  - check availability of broken pieces of black gridding. Will it fit in rack spaces

J. Mend Brown Road roll. Acquire tyres

Clear any tenders to sin bin. Crew - Clear any remaining boats from inside fence and Ventures from outside

With tractor –
 1.  remove sand from inside fence to down beach or push though fence
 2. Clear sand outside fence and flatten off area
3. Dig out sand from end of Tera park and around behind broom
4. Remove tender racks, flatten and cover in broken gridding to stop erosion
5. Shovel sand off any black gridding by store cabins

Relay wooden ramp and tighten strings Relay brown road roll with tyres buried every section
Clear out and clean outboard shed

Mend fence and staple half bottle along top to deflect the sand outwards J to get wood and bottles and spax screws - or youth party


Youth Work Party – Saturday, April 15th.

Bring spades shovels, wheelbarrow loppers etc More wheelbarrows in shed - 3768
You need to find about 8 tyres - small - and ask Clive about sleepers

 De-bramble windsurfer/ Feva bank. Tera bank may have odd one.
Large broom at entrance to dinghy park is half dead. Needs dead part cutting off if time.

Clear sand from West Exit so that water can drain down hole beside wall
May need to dig some sand off alongside ramp on opposite side
East end of Tera park( near Melvin's boat) Bank needs digging out to make parking wider. Try to preserve any marram grass - very rare
Probably in my dreams

 Rock berm - needs two posts to hold up paling fence to prevent erosion across the top
Outside East Barrier - needs a couple of posts halfway along to replace sunken ones
 Needs new fence to join up new plank fence by East exit to spur of fence to protect newly planted Marram grass
Inside East Barrier - needs the odd broken post replacing.
# 20 Fence posts arriving Weds - . 6 more in M yard in Rt  corner behind windsurfer racks.

Black West Ramp Lay two sections of brown Road Roll at end of . Will need 3 cross pieces and three tires sunk vertically. Rope - will be provided. some ropes with posts behind Wsurfer racks
Wooden ramp - Lay three sections using 4 cross pieces and then the odd wide one at the end. this will need 4 tires sunk vertically. road Roll all mended  but will need rope for cross pieces. will send reel. Hot cutter in M shed - ask.
Check wooden ramp to Lagoon. Replace Road roll cross pieces (needed for Road Roll ) with wooden planks. ARGUING WITH BARRY ABOUT THESE PLANKS

Sleeper wall
 Need to ask Clive if he has any sleepers as yet. to go halfway down Wooden ramp where wall already started, Will need posts with nails to fix if sleepers available Will send nails

East Fence
Staple half bottle along top of East fence to deflect the sand outwards J to provide bottles  In my dreams!



Dismantle and realign sleeper wall on East of West Exit. J will bring 6” nails and hacksaw blades, sledge hammer  In my dreams.


WORK PARTY SPRING 2016 March 13th

East Ramp. Totally lifted and moved towards pontoon out of Dunes. 4-5 cross pieces replaced
East Exit - black gridding lifted and replaced

West ramp - Black Matting lifted where tide had undercut, filled and flattened.
 Black Gridding - lifted, back filled and replaced
Brown Road Roll - one section laid at sea end
Generally - Seaweed collected off ramps and from around ramps. Grass dug up where growing along side ramps to prevent more dunes growing.



WORK PARTY SPRING 2016 March 26th
called by Sarah Mitchell / Rebecca Tuttle

Washdown area
= partially cleared by yellow Holland
East Park by fence. -itch said he would clear but may need more doing
General concrete  and gridding pathways - clearance of sand and grass

Brambles - Windsurfer bank and in front of tenders at East end of Teras

Fencing Jane to supply posts and rope
New posts at west end of Feva park
New posts  and rope around washdown area and West Exit
One new post outside West Barrier
New short posts alongside East Exit
Short prop posts alongside Tera Bank to keep Kayaks off grass

East Fence - needs 6 new planks. Have asked Mitch to order ??? Do we actually think it is necessary to refill this space?I think so as N wind has blown in lots of sand. Maybe ask Dougie what he thinks

East Exit Wall - needs extension of sleeper wall to keep sand off ramp. Have asked Mitch for old sleepers when cruisers have gone

Ramps - check along west ramp and remove any grass that is sprouting - plus roots!

Lagoon ramp - clear off sand and lay correctly

 Fence at back of Tender Park - mend and erect short chestnut paling fence - wishfull thinking!

Anything else?



1)  Small gathering to lay new black griding and sort out remainder of ramps


called by Sarah Mitchell / Rebecca Tuttle

Projects :-

Alex and Bobcat - Need to get some sand removed beforehand

Members to Bring     - Spades, Wheelbarrows, Loppers Secateurs
Materials already at Club - Posts, Paling and Wire, Gridding, Sleepers, Big Pole,  Some shovels and spades, sledgehammer

Will be provided by Jane -Hammers, Staples, Nails, Ropes, Spacers, tape
Sledgehammer, Hacksaw, Saw,   Ropes on request from membership  and buy drain pipe, spirit level, staple gun, metal screwdriver  and pliers, Cable ties and glue

1)  Remove sand from West and East Exits of North Dinghy Park.              DONE
Wheelbarrows and shovels/Shovels Lift black gridding and reposition          DONE

2)  Remove sand from park inside slatted fence??? Massive job!  Mend and re-dig fence posts!!!! Glue, Cable ties Wheelbarrows, Spades  and Shovels                    DONE

3)  Fill, using this sand,  low places in Tera, Feva and Laser parks (Concrete path high)
Alex and Bobcat. Wheelbarrows and Shovels                                               DONE

4)  Remove grotty green griding from path opp wash-down area - use for boat spaces Spades and Wheelbarrows                                                                              DONE

5)  Collect black griding from dustbin and lay in this path - after leveling Spades DONE

6)  Dig trench and lay French Drain on left of West Exit. for pebbles from Main Slip  Need drain pipe Spades and Wheelbarrows                                                         NOT DONE

7)  Lay another 10’ of sleeper wall alongside this Drain - Split  Sleepers behind dustbin
. Fence posts. Nails and Hammer, Sledgehammer                                             DONE                                                                              

8) Move old mooring bases dumped  by both Exits into middle and arrange as tie downs
                                                                                                                       NOT DONE

8) Mend brown roll road (DONE) and lay track into lagoon after leveling pathway. Wheelbarrows and shovels/Spades Rope and Spacers, Tape                     DONE

10) Dig away grass and sand from under Wareham Solo to allow drainage Add to low spaces  Wheelbarrows and Spades                                                            NOT DONE

11) Replace any broken 4’ posts on inside of  Sandbarriers  Posts Spades Staples  DONE
Replace fence posts on outside of E Barrier  New  posts
and Rope Sledgehammer DONE

12) De bramble Windsurfer Bank                                                                             DONE
and extension of Tera banks Loppers and secateurs                                    NOT DONE

13) Mend any chestnut paling fencing with replacement slats. Fiddly but quite possible.
Wire, Paling Staples and Hammers                                                            NOT DONE

14) Post and Rope fence - Lagoon / Beach. Remodel with Clove Hitches. NOT DONE


Projects  undertaken Spring 2014:- Date - Sunday, February 23rd. Start 10.00 am

    1) Lift black matting and flatten surface.
    Lift brown road roll and prepare surface for  new no-floating black gridding coming later
    Lay chains and possibly tyres to hold in place.  Tyres?

    2) Rebuild sand deflector by West Exit . Collect sleepers and repair one from Lagoon Dune with timberlock screws. Dig in posts and nail thereto -
    Posts, Screws,  Drill and 6’” nails will be provided. Wedge and hammer / hacksaw
    Clear sand from exit and bury end of matting so “no trip” NOT FINISHED

    2.5) Clear up dinghy Park!!!! NOT DONE

    3) Add new posts at west end of west sand barrier and east end of east sand barrier(Job last done very efficiently by George)
    It is necessary to maintain these fences. If the “dunes” are damaged by being run over they will not do their job of keeping the sand out of the dinghy park DONE

    3.5) Chop up dead wood by rock berm and fill with sand.
    Clear any remaining rubble off beach. DONE

    4) Dig out and reposition post for end of board fencing at East Exit.  Screw planks in place. Special spax screws provided. Saw, spade, screwdriver, set square. DONE

    4.5) Sort out and adjust wooden ramping  DONE EXCEPT FOR SOME REPAIRS

    5) Inside dinghy park near entrance to West Path - dig away sand and weeds from near inner tap to provide drainage for increasing and unnecessary pool. Sand and weeds can be put in places where there is a big dip  DONE

    6) Cut down dead broom on Lagoon Dune behind Dunes Block. Saw  DONE
    Roger and Barbara Palmer


    Replace fencing posts in chestnut fencing.
    Raise and fix wire where rails have rotted
    Collect broken posts for re-use
     Pliers, hammer and sharp tool, Posts, staples x 2 sizes, sledge hammer and protective board

    2) EAST SAND BARRIER Replace broken posts in post and rope fencing
    Spade, Staples  hammer, use 4’ recycled posts from 1)above

    3) WEST EXIT
    First tyre on left, lower and retie . Other tyres further out also need redigging as tide has uncovered/ lifted them againSpade
    Dig out end of matting, lower and recover to prevent trip hazard. Spades
    Extend sleeper wall on west side, 1 length - 5 high.
    5 split sleepers, 2 posts, sledge hammer and board, 6” nails, hammer
    East side, demolish wall and rebuild inside existing walls
    Hacksaw blades, spades, 2 posts, 6” nails and hammer, sledgehammer and board

    4) EAST EXIT -  sleeper wall
    Either - dig out behind wall enough to enable protruding sleeper to be knocked in
    Put in more posts - Spades, Sledgehammer and board, posts, hammer and 6” nails
    Or - demolish wall and rebuild sloping inwards  timberlock screws, spanner 18V drill

    5) 700 / TERA BANK
    Cut out roots of brambles on top  of East end of this bank. Try and preserve any grasses
    West end done and hedge ( v small) planted Loppers, secateurs
    Confer with Ian Swann -

    Clear brambles and remove old fencing if necessary, Loppers, secateurs

    Please burn all prunings downwind Firelighters and flame

    8) Dig out notice boards from Sand Barriers and reposition. Spades Mallet and spike

    Drill big holes in concrete  to allow drainage
    Hopefully to be done by staff as they may need big drill for something else - and when lots of people not around :-

    Anything in orange produced by Jane

    Club has spades and shovels and sledgehammer and other odd tools
    People bring their own tools